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Predator Limited Edition Gordian Knot Cues - Gordias or Alexander

A Pro9 - Europe's No.1 Pool Player Resource Article


Date: Thursday, August 25 2011 @ 10:52:34 UTC
Topic: Advertisements

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Did you know the story behind Predator's Limited Edition Gordian Knot cues ?

The story of the Gordian Knot derives from times of yore, in ancient Greece, when the Phrygians had no king. According to legend, an ancient oracle decreed that the next man to enter the city in an ox cart would become king and Gordias was that man. Soon after his arrival, the high priests crowned Gordias who, in appreciation of his good fortune, dedicated his ox cart to Zeus. When tying his cart to Zeus’ shrine, Gordias used an inventive and intricate knot with no rope ends exposed. It became known as the Gordian Knot.

The knot stifled all and the cart thus remained for some time. An oracle then decreed that the man who could solve the mystery of the knot and untie the cart would rule all of Asia. Countless people tried but none could find the ends of the rope; all failed. Finally, a young man named Alexander, who had also failed to find the ends of the rope, cut the knot in half with a single swift blow of his powerful sword.

That evening, the Phrygians interpreted heavy storms as a positive sign from the gods and awoke certain that young Alexander would indeed rule all of Asia. The year was 333 BC and it has since been told that Alexander the Great considered conquering the Gordian Knot as the most decisive victory of his reign.

Today, the Gordian Knot stands as a metaphor for difficult and seemingly insolvable problems that give way to a bold, confident stroke.

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