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European Pool Billiards Sports Betting

A Pro9 - Europe's No.1 Pool Player Resource Article


Date: Tuesday, April 16 2019 @ 08:05:41 UTC
Topic: Advertisements

European Pool Billiards Sports Betting

Online gaming has been dominating the casino industry and as a result online sports bookies have been adding to their already well-established sporting events. Looking at NoviBet, you will see the quality services offered by these sites and they include high definition streaming services which allows you to watch your favourite sporting events live and place bets on them. Pool billiards has also recently been making its rounds on the sporting side of betting events and if you weren’t aware that you could wager on some of the biggest championship games, here is what you need to know about European pool billiards and sports betting.

The Sports Betting Glossary for Pool

Online sports books have a language of their own. Between the punter and the bookie, there is a passionate language that punters need to understand so that they can make the best wager possible. Pool and snooker share a common language; however these terms are somewhat different from other sports betting terms which include football, hockey, baseball and basketball.

Here are some of the terms you may encounter:

Odds – this is the payout prediction of what the bookie thinks the match will deliver. These are the chances of winning and losing.

Fractional Odds – These odds are most popular in Ireland and the UK. The fraction holds the value of the amount of the wager at stake and the other is the profit being predicted. The total is then the fractional odds which will be returned.

Tips for Beginners

Finding a billiard site is one of the most important things you can do if you plan on placing real cash wagers during the championship. The site you choose needs to be a reputable one as the bookie will be handling your cash and wager from the minute you deposit your money. You want your wager to be cashed out should you win.

Tips for Placing Wagers

Before you place your bet make sure you know who is competing against whom and what these players’ strengths and weaknesses are. You will need to weigh up the odds before placing a bet and then bet on odds most suited to your calculations. Join forums to get the most out of your wager. Here is where you will gather all the information you need to place a bet on the strongest or weakest players. Forums are used to discuss potential outcomes and calculate the odds of all the players competing for the championship. This is where many professional punters share their strategies and help novice players. It’s also great to be a part of a forum as you become familiar with other bettors and have a safety net of sorts.

Although there are not many online bookies handling European billiard events, there is a rising trend of online sports punters. With that being said, it is only a matter of time before we see some of our favourite sports books adding the ever popular cue sport to their database of popular games.

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