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BPPPA President surprised and humbled by gift from players

A Pro9 - Europe's No.1 Pool Player Resource Article


Date: Thursday, February 15 2007 @ 10:50:22 UTC
Topic: BPPPA

British Professional Pool Players Association
British Professional Pool Players Association

Manchester, Saturday 11 February 2007

BPPPA President Ted Bristow (right) being presented with the Wayne Holmes cue
by Cue Expert and Pool Player Simon D'Vali (left)
on behalf of the men, women, juniors and wheelchair players on the BPPPA tours.

Beautiful Wayne Holmes custom cue presented to President from players

A little surprise was planned by the players of the British Professional Pool Player's Association (BPPPA) for Ted Bristow, the President of the official American cue sports organisation in the UK, in gratitude and recognition of his tireless efforts promoting the U.S. style discipline on these shores.

Just as the President had finished presenting the BPPPA's "Rookie of the Year" award, the shoe was placed firmly on the other foot, as he was surprised to find himself on the receiving end of an award.

Mr Bristow was the grateful recipient of a classically designed Wayne Holmes custom cue, commissioned especially for this purpose with a laser etched solid ivory panel bearing the inscription: "Ted Bristow - bpppa.org - from The Gang".

Ted, who has long been an avid collector of cue art and already owns a number of highly collectible Wayne Holmes custom cues, was delighted with the surprise gift, and after thanking everyone said, "This is absolutely magnificent, I'm lost for words. This is totally unexpected, thank you all."

Custom cue maker, Wayne Holmes, speaks regularly with Ted, and indeed, Mr Bristow will be taking a trip to North Carolina shortly to visit Wayne, but the master craftsman had to keep the cue a secret during their many chats, and we'd all like to take this public opportunity to thank Mr Holmes for his splendid efforts.

"Read More..." for the details.

Gabon ebony with black leather wrap, sterling silver rings,
and an ivory oval with a laser etched motto on the butt sleeve.

Wayne Holmes only makes 50 cues a year, signing them all on the forearm.

Magnified view of the engraving.

Thanks Ted!