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2007 PartyPoker.net World Cup of Pool side event - LUCKY 9!!!
Posted on Monday, September 17 2007 @ 17:28:28 UTCby admin
2007 PartyPoker.net World Cup of Pool - LUCKY 9 Outland Prins Alexanderlaan 37 3068 PN Rotterdam Holland www.worldcupofpool.com www.matchroomsport.com www.outland.nl Click here to book tickets for 2007
Tuesday-Sunday 25-30 September 2007
 A side event for the WCOP, best of one rack 9 ball, two man teams - sounds like fun! Register now for World Cup of Pool Lucky 9 best of one challenge for teams! And win a free trip and stay in the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in fabulous Las Vegas during the Mosconi Cup 2007 for two persons now!!!
From September 25th until September 30th 2007 Club Outland in Rotterdam is the battleground for the second running of the World Cup of Pool. Competing in this 6 day mega-event will be 64 of the finest pool players from 31 countries from all over the world. Just a few big names competing in the event are Efren Reyes, Fransisco Bustamante, Corey Deuel, Rodney Morris, Imran Majid, Daryl Peach, David Alcaide, Wu Chia-Ching, Tony Drago, Mika Immonen, Oliver Ortmann, Niels Feijen, Nick van den Berg, Rico Diks and Fabio Petroni and many more.
You can be the real star of The World Cup of Pool. But you and your team mate can be real stars of the World Cup of Pool 2007 by playing in the official “Lucky 9” side event of the World Cup of Pool. If you and your team mate win this “best of one” 9 ball challenge you will both win a free trip to the Mosconi Cup 2007 in Las Vegas. There you will stay in the “breath taking” MGM Grand Hotel and Casino and see all the matches of the Mosconi Cup for free.
"Read More..." for the details.
 Defending Champions, Team Philippines, Francisco Bustamante and Efren Reyes
The final of this spectacular “best of one 9 ball event” is played on Saturday September 29th at the venue of the World Cup of Pool, with hundreds of people watching you and your mate. The final of Lucky 9 is played on the match table in the TV-arena with Michaela Tabb as your referee! How cool is that??
All the matches of the Lucky 9 side event are being played during the World Cup of Pool in Club Outland.
Session times you can choose to enter Lucky 9 are:
Tuesday September 25th - 6 until 8 pm. Wednesday September 26th - 6 until 8 pm. Thursday September 27th - 6 until 8 pm. Friday September 28th - 6 until 8 pm.
How do you enter Lucky 9?
STEP 1 Go and see the World Cup of Pool 2007 with a friend.
STEP 2 Send an e-mail now to Nynke Lely-Straatsma from the Royal Dutch Pool Federation via n.straatsma@knbb.nl containing the following information:
1. Refer to the Lucky 9 side event and just say you want to compete; 2. The names of the 2 players competing in the Lucky 9 side event; 3. Both your e-mail addresses and (cell) phone numbers; 4. The session time you have chosen to compete in Lucky 9 (see above);
STEP 3 Visit the “Loontjens Billiards” trade stand in Club Outland during the World Cup of Pool on the date you have chosen to compete in the Lucky 9 side event. At this trade stand just ask for the guys who run the “Lucky 9 show”. Try to be there at least half an hour before your session starts.
STEP 4 Pay the € 10 entry fee in cash for your team at the Loontjens trade stand.
STEP 5 Just beat all the other teams out there during your own session and play the final (Saturday September 29th) on the match table with hundreds of people cheering you on. Michaela Tabb will be refereeing this final match.
STEP 6 Win the final of Lucky 9 on Saturday (session time 5 pm until 7 pm), collect your fantastic prize and fly away with your friend to the Mosconi Cup 2007 in Las Vegas. The Mosconi Cup 2007 is being played from December 13th until December 16th).
STEP 7 Plan your trip to the World Cup of Pool now and send that e-mail to enter your team!
SET UP FOR LUCKY 9's 1. The lag will decide which team breaks off; 2. Scotch doubles, so every other shot the other team member plays the shot; 3. A potted 9 ball on the break will be re-spotted; 4. Race to 1 frame, so best of one.
REGISTER NOW As you can understand the number of teams that can compete in Lucky 9 is limited. And almost everybody who comes to see the World Cup of Pool knows how to handle a pool cue and they all want to go to Las Vegas. So register now or you will probably not be going to Las Vegas for free!
See you at the World Cup of Pool 2007!!!!!!!!!!
2007 2007 PartyPoker.net World Cup of Pool side event - LUCKY 9!!! PartyPoker.net World Cup of Pool - The teams so far!
2006 PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - SKY TV Schedule PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 6 Final Results PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 5 Results PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 4 Results The 2006 World Cup of Pool - Exclusive Backstage Photos PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 3 Results PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 2 Results PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool - Day 1 Results PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool Starts Today! PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool Site Starts Today! Draw announced for 2006 PartyPoker.com World Cup of Pool World Cup of Pool - Free tickets information

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World Cup Of Pool